Should you get your kids involved when decluttering toys?
I get asked a lot if it was shocking for my daughter that I got rid of almost all her toys, and my answer is always, no. However, my daughter was only 18 months when we began to live a minimalist lifestyle, so she had little say in the matter, and she was just too young to understand what was happening. Now at almost 3 years old, it is almost normal to her not to have too many toys.
So if you have children under two years old, I would encourage you to just do it. Declutter. Your children will probably won't even remember and you will see a big difference in how your children play.
However, once children are 3 years old and older, the task becomes a little harder, because they do remember toys and they want to keep everything they own. So should you involve them in the process? The answer I think varies with every child.
There are children who will probably find pleasure in helping and be involved. And there are children who will have a much harder time letting go of things. The right answer is to try and see what your child responds to better, and always remember that no matter what, you have the last say. Decluttering and living with less is an adjustment for everyone, but I can guarantee that once you do it, you will be glad you did.
Here I'm sharing a video that I found is a realistic example of a mom decluttering with her young son.
*Video owned by What's Up Moms