One Year Update

Mia has turned one and life has changed drastically. On her birthday I shared on my


how quickly that baby stages passes. And oh, does it pass very fast! My now toddler, has brought so many surprises to our new stage, a lot of new learning experiences and some very sweet things like giving mommy cuddles and kisses on demand, I am soaking up every minute of that stage, and also letting her personality shine more and more.

We are at the stage where everything is "No". No, no, and no. I remember, before I had Mia, a friend that had studied childhood education had told me it was important to avoid saying "no" so much to children so they wouldn't always say it back. But oh, do I laugh at that now. Of course I want to say yes more! But when my child wants to play with the TV electrical outlet with multiple cables plugged in, all I want to say is "NO!". Of course, my husband and I have tried to baby proof the house as much as we can, but she somehow always finds a way to find something dangerous. I literally feel like I am just trying to keep her alive, more than parenting.

But I do have to say that being a mom has gotten a bit easier as time goes on. The challenges are different but I think just having been doing this for a year really helps get into the swing of things a lot faster. And it also helps that she is mobile and is learning to communicate, which at times, has made things a bit easier for me.

As far as work, I have no started working for an online website called


. Which is a resource for mothers with inspirational articles as well as informative articles from planning a pregnancy to the preschool years. You can check out some of my articles



Working with Motherly has been a blessing. I love the ladies that I get to work with, and I love the causes in which we work to help mothers in every stage accomplish all the things they want to do in life.

As far as working from home, it's definitely been a challenge. Finding the time to work when Mia naps or after she goes to bed is so difficult at times, when that's the time I also have to cook lunch or dinner, or even just to take a break. It's definitely not easy and some times I wonder how I find the energy to do it. But because I love what I am doing so much, and I just cannot pass this amazing opportunity to get to have my dream job, it inspires me to keep going every single day. Motherhood is difficult. It is a constant act of serving and putting one's needs aside. And yet, I love it. I love my daughter, I love what I get to do, and most of all it has brought me so much closer to my family. And I am so thankful for each of them.

Juli WilliamsMotherhood