8 Months into Motherhood: An Update
There are so many new things happening in my life right now. So let's begin with some of the major changes so far. If you don't follow me on Snapchat, you may not know that I started going back to work. It has been a huge lifestyle change for me right now since I honestly thought I would be a stay-at-home mom. But that decision has since changed when an amazing work opportunity, better yet, opportunities came knocking on my door that I couldn't pass on. And as excited as I was to go at it head on, it really was an incredibly difficult decision to make since it meant going back to work while not being with my daughter full-time. (I talk about it
) The reason I did make the decision to go back to work was based on two major points, one, I only work a couple days a week. And second, my mom and my husband's parents have been able to take care of Mia on the days I work.
So in case you were wondering what the work opportunities are; I am currently a writer for a website called
. Motherly is a beautiful website geared towards millennial moms, with articles from pregnancy through the toddler years. My husband and I alongside Motherly, are also working on a soon to be released project where we will be filming videos for two online courses on "Career & Motherhood" as well as "Motherhood & Relationships" which I will be sharing more details and behind the scenes on as we work on those projects together. I am also currently working for my family's business within their online marketing department, and on top of all of that I am also starting a business with my husband! Which I will be sharing more details of that in the upcoming months. So yeah, I went from being a stay-at-home mom to working almost 4 jobs, well 5 if you include being a mom, because in case you didn't think motherhood was work let me enlighten you. It is.
It's been an amazing yet crazy month so far, and I'm currently learning how to juggle all of my work responsibilities as well as being a mom to my Mia. I honestly wouldn't have been able to do it without the support of my family. They have been my rock these past months as I transitioned from staying at home to working.
As far as Mia, she is growing so fast, and it's hard to call her my baby now since she is talking, moving and playing more like a kid every day. She now knows how to say Bye-Bye and wave, and to call for mama & dada. It is the cutest thing to hear her every morning call for dada when she wakes up. And see her super excited smile when he comes in the room to say good morning and rock together on the rocking chair for morning cuddles before he goes to work. That time in the morning is one of my absolute favorite and something I think I'll remember forever. She is such a daddy's girl. She is also crawling now, which makes for an exploring baby and an overprotecting mama. She also has no teeth. Not one tooth. She has been gnawing on everything since she was 3 months and drools a lot, but we are still yet to see the first tooth. I really think she won't get her first teeth until a year... I'm not sure. But I'm not too worried either.
It has been crazy lately, but it has been sweet. I love seeing my little girl grow, and as I always say, I can't wait to see what God holds in your future my love. We are working hard to make sure she gets the best life she can.