Life Lately As A New Mom

Last time I updated about life as a mom Mia was only a couple weeks old, she is now 5 months old, and oh how life has changed in just a couple of months. Motherhood has definitely gotten better and easier in some aspects and more difficult in other areas. So let's start with the good things. At this point Mia is a little more independent in playing and entertaining herself for longer periods. A great thing is that she sleeps a lot longer through the night and less staggered throughout the day. Those first few months are a killer as far as sleep is concerned. Now she has more of a schedule that she follows almost everyday with eating and sleeping and that gives me time to work. That's another thing, I've been blessed to be able to work from home for my family's company and that gives me time to take care of her as well as bring extra income to our home. However I've been thinking that it may be good to hire a nanny to be with her one day a week so I can finish my work faster instead of trying to squeeze in work while she naps hoping that she will for an hour or longer. But I'm still not sure. Any advice from you working mommies? Is it worth it? And how do I find a nanny?

One of the things I've noticed as she grows is that the more independent she becomes, she also becomes more aware of her dependence on me. For example now she can grab toys and play with them herself, however she is not very mobile yet, so if something falls too far from her reach all she can do is whine until somebody places it close enough for her to grab. So as much as she moves she is not very independent in that area yet. Which also adds to my responsibility to make sure she has what she needs. Another great thing about this stage is that she loves to go out, no matter where it is. So, we're at the awesome stage that she goes with me wherever I go and loves it. Mall, restaurants, grocery store, coffee shop, etc. She just wants to be out and about wherever mommy and daddy go. Which gives me time to still do adult things while she accompanies me. And believe me I am soaking up every second of it before she asks to go to Chucky Cheese.

Life in general is calm and well, full of baby to do's. But I like it, well let's be honest, most days I like it. Like every woman I have my ... days. :D

Juli WilliamsMotherhood