Welcome Mia Sky
Mia Sky Williams was born in an August afternoon weighing 6lbs 2oz, and 18" in length. My baby girl has brought out all types of emotions that I've never felt in my life. From the deepest love I have ever felt for anyone, to feeling completely lost and unprepared to have the responsibility to be her momma. Having this little child in my responsibility and care makes me cry, laugh, and feel feelings that no one can describe.
I had planned from the moment I got pregnant to share her birth story in my blog and had been looking forward to it for a long time. However, my so thought plans completely turned as I tried to have a completely natural, drug free birth, that ended in an emergency c-section. I'm still extremely emotional thinking about everything that happened to bring this little baby to this world alive and healthy. So as much as I wanted and thought I would share her birth story right away, I want to be completely honest and say that I still need time to process everything that happened. All of that to say that I am so thankful to have doctors and professionals that are trained to deliver healthy babies in all types of situations.
I am thankful to God that both her and I are alive and completely healthy. I have times when I look at her and I completely break down of how precious she is and how thankful I am to call her my daughter. I am excited to learn and share with you through my experiences of motherhood. So here we go, the beginning of a new journey!