Using a Lip Liner to Get Those Lipstick Perfect Lips

Let's talk lipstick. Believe it or not the first time I ever applied lipstick on myself was last year! Lipstick was just never a part of my beauty routine, however in the past year or so I became obsessed with how beautiful and complete make-up looked with lipsticks so I set out to buy myself a lipstick. You can read all about that embarrassing story here.

But today after months of practice I discovered a really great way to apply lipstick as a beginner. I am by no means an expert! Just wanted to share a trick to get those luscious lipstick ready lips. The secret; lip liner.

You will need:
- Lip balm
- Lip Liner
- Lipstick

First make sure you moisturize your lips. Any lip balm will do the trick.

Now this is the secret to applying lipstick like a pro. I do have to tell you it'll take some practice but once you nail this step wearing lipstick will become the easiest thing you will ever do. Carefully line the edges of your lips. This is a great video on how to apply Lip Liner [[Watch Here]]. Keep makeup remover and some tissue on hand just in case. Don't worry about going in your lips too deep this won't matter after your lipstick is applied later on.

It is only through practice that you will start getting the hang of it so take your time and don't stress. Using your lip liner as a guide for your lipstick gives you really clean and defined lines for your lips. I'll talk about how to find a great lip liner below.

Now all you have to do is fill in the rest of your lips. No need to worry about coming out of your lips or trying to get a good shape because you already did all the work with your lip liner. Plus lip liner stays throughout the day so all you have to do is refill your lips with lipstick after a meal or when needed.

And there you have it! You are ready to go out :)

So how to find the perfect lip liner to your lipstick? The answer is to have someone who knows help you do this. I LOVE going to the MAC store for this very reason. The people who work there already know which lip liner goes with which lipstick so you won't have to be guessing colors. Another great way is to take your Makeup artist or makeup junky friend with you shopping. They are the experts at knowing which colors, brands and lipsticks go very well with each other. Also, if it's your first time shopping for a lip liner and lipstick avoid going to the drugstore and first take a trip to any store on which you are able to actually try the make up on before you buy it, like Sephora or Ulta.

The colors I am using right now are the MAC Ruby Woo Red in Matte & the Cherry Lip Pencil.

I really hope this helped and remember it all gets better with practice. ;)
Juli WilliamsBeauty