Bump Update: 12 Weeks

Hey guys, first of all I have missed this little space of mine so much! I've been wanting to take photos and continue my blogging journey but my first trimester had me in bed or in the bathroom any free time I had. I wish I could've been those women who feel nothing but pretty much for two months straight the nausea became my constant companion. But finally now that I am 12 weeks along I kicked it out its place and I'm back to normal! Well, at least for the most part. :)

And I wanted to do a "bump" update. lol. Well, there's really not much there yet, but hey, at least I can look back and see my teeny tiny bump and remember what I used to look like.

How Far Along are You?

12 Weeks. Here's a photo of my 6 weeks sonogram compared to my 12 weeks sonogram

Isn't it incredible the change between 6 weeks and 12? WoW Baby! It's funny because when I saw my little dot at 6 weeks it was absolutely incredible! At that stage the only thing we were able to see was a dot but inside we could see a tiny heart beating strong and oh so beautiful. And for my 12 weeks when I saw my little peanut moving around with little hands and feet I just cried. I can tell you I have never loved anything so much in my whole life.

Baby's Size

Right now baby is as big as a Plum and weighs about a half-ounce

Have You Picked a Name Yet?

No, guys, it's been so hard to even come up with a potential name. My husband says we shouldn't worry until we know the sex. But it still has been pretty difficult to even think of a name I like.

Any Cravings?

I don't know if it's a craving per say, but I've been loving saltine crackers and hot water with lime and a little honey. It was difficult to eat for a while, but I think for the past two weeks I've been eating somewhat normal again.