Medium Hair Cut
I DID! I cut my hair. Well, technically I did not, my friend Marilyn cut it for me :D
This was the conversation in my head the day before I cut it:
"My ends are splitting... I should trim my ends... But if I'm cutting my hair might as well just go short... YES! Short hair!... Should I tell my husband?... No, he might talk me out of it. [Literally laughed out loud] Like anyone could talk me out cutting my hair! Let's do this now! Ok, I'll just wait until tomorrow."
Hehe, welcome to my head. I love taking risks with my hair because, I'm young, might as well just do all the crazy hair cuts now. And even though this hair cut is not as crazy as when I shaved half my head, it was still awesome to take about 9 inches of hair off my head. :)