Styling Monday
Photos by: Liu Melendez Editing by: Juli Williams
Crop Top & Boots: H&M Skirt: Target Hat, Purse & Belt: Thrifted
Life has been pretty smooth at the moment, thank God. With some bits of mood swings here and there, yes I get those too, but overall I can't complain. My weekend included birthday celebrations for my mom at a yummy restaurant, thanks to my sister, again on saturday more yummy food thanks to her, she just knows all the yummy places to go. Then some photo shoot sessions with her and my new friend Liu, she's a fashion blogger and she's just too cool, you can check out her blog HERE. And on Sunday, church and cuddles with the hubs.
I've been think and I wanted to say, that because of this blog I've gotten to make some amazing relationships with other girls, which is strange because I had really never had as many girlfriends in my life. Throughout high school I really only had one or two, then in college I got the amazing opportunity to have 9 housemates! You heard that right 10 girls cooped up in one house and though that may sound like a nightmare it was THE BEST EVER. There was no cattiness, we truly learned to love each other, to be there for each other and to have the best time ever. But after I graduated from college I was afraid of never having that again. And even though it's not the same, the friends I've made because of this little blog of mine has been one of the best experiences of my life. And I love each and every single girl that has encouraged me and read and been a part of this journey I've taken. So if you've ever said a compliment, read, left a comment, mentioned me to someone else. I wanna say THANK YOU. I LOVE getting to share my life with you. :) <3