To Share or Not to Share?
Recently I've been thinking about sharing online. As we all have seen Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. has allowed us to share our lives with our friends all over the world keeping us updated on each other's lives. And though our intent to share with others was a good intent, it has also created a culture of comparison and lack of privacy.
As a blogger I have chosen to publicize some of my life online, but with that decision I have also struggled with the question of, what should I share and what should I keep to myself. I have to admit that it is a tough struggle since as bloggers we are always in need content to share and we can easily become dependent on the amount likes, shares, visitors to your page, etc. However, as much as this is a current struggle for our generation I have made some decisions to keep this "sharing" world where it was supposed to stay, as a positive method to connect with people.
One of those decisions I've made was to enjoy meals with people. One of the best times I have had with my husband, my friends, and new people I've met have involved food. This does not mean that I put a rule to never share a picture over a meal, but to purposefully put my phone away and focus on the people I am with enjoying food and conversation with. I love going out with my husband on dinner dates and I chose to leave those moments sharing free and full of memories of our time together.
The second decision I made was to use social media to make REAL connections with people. This means that I am using my blog, Instagram, Facebook, etc. to make coffee dates, to come together with people and make friends. Not just online friends but REAL friends.
And last decision I made is to NEVER let social media define my self esteem. I will not let other people's pictures, likes, or stats to define who I am. I know who I am. My security is defined in Christ and it will stay there. Social media ain't got nothing on me. :)
I hope this post inspires you to live your life to the fullest. To share because you want to and not because you need to and to love those around you and not miss the precious moments of life. This is our life and we need to live it today.