Invest Into What You Love

I recently purchased A Beautiful Mess Blogging E-Course and I think is probably one of the best resources I've invested into. And it made me start thinking about investing. Time, money, resources.
I recently started working a part-time job, which I actually enjoy very much but it is a very physical job and I'm very tired when I get home. I don't have as much time as I used to, to blog and I have to work twice as hard to gather ideas, to plan and to write my set goal of at least four posts a week while still making sure that what I present is not just quantity but also quality. There is a lot of work put behind this little space I call my blog. From photo shooting, to photo editing, to networking, to keeping a constant flow of creativity. And yet, I love every single moment of it. It is the reason I go to work and deal with not so nice people and work hard because I know that at the end of the day I'm investing my resources into something I believe in and I love to do. I don't know where this unknown journey will take me, but I've decided to walk in it because I refuse to go to work every single day and be miserable knowing that there is no bigger purpose to this life than just making money and spending it.
Now, please don't think that I'm writing this to put you down or to say that I'm better than or anything like that. I have just learned that doing something you love takes a lot of courage, hard-work, and risk. I want to inspire you and challenge you to do something you love, to invest into something you love.
One of my close friends worked in a 9 to 5 job for many years, and even though there was nothing wrong with her job she knew she wanted to do something she was passionate about so after some thought and planning she decided to go back to school and get her cosmetology license. It took a lot of work for her to work her full-time job and add school into her busy schedule but she did it. And she's gotten some amazing opportunities because she decided to take the jump and invest into something she loved. That doesn't mean she went and quit her job right away and just jumped into it, she knew she had to keep working to be able to pay for her dreams. As am I. Investing into your dreams doesn't mean you just throw it all away to follow a fantasy. It means that now you have to work twice as hard to achieve your dreams. Don't believe that people just sit on their butts and make it rain, someone somewhere is working or worked very hard for success to come along.
So what is something you want to invest in? What's stopping you? It takes a ton of work but OH. it is so worth it.
Giveaway Winner:
@Anitaandradephoto from Instagram! Congrats.
If you didn't win. Don't fret more giveaways to come.